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Carrot and lentil soup

carrot lentil soup kids recipe

Carrot is good for eyes, liver & teeth.  Lentil has protein & also a good source of iron.
Carrot and Lentil soup is an easy way to add vegetables to your child’s diet. Beside being nutritious, it is simple to make as well. brings to you a step by step recipe breakdown to make it easy for you to cook this at home.


  • Carrot (1, sliced)
  • Lentils/ Broken Green gram dal/broken moong daal(1/2 cup, Half cooked)
  • Clarified Butter/Ghee(1 tsp)
  • Onion(1/2 chopped)
  • Garlic (3 cloves, chopped)
  • Vegetable stock/Lentil stock (3 cups)
  • Salt(1 tsp or as per taste)


  1. In a pan add clarified butter. After it is hot add onion, garlic , carrot and saute it for a while.
  2. Add the half cooked lentils to the carrot.
  3. Add around 3 cups of stock. As I am making a broth, you can add a bit more of the stock if you want. Add seasoning as per your taste or if you want to skip adding salt for your kids meals, you may avoid salt completely.
  4. Allow the lentils and carrot to cook and once it is cooked and tender to touch.
  5. Switch off the flame. If you want you may add some herbs to enhance the flavour , but kids dont understand complex flavours and might stop eating the soup completely. So best is to keep it simple and slowly introduce various tastes to the meals.

Carrot & lentil soup is now ready. Serve it in a bowl and allow to cool a bit before serving.

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